The team at Bristol Trials Centre are delighted to announce that we have just opened our first site, University Hospitals Southampton! The UK Chief Investigator, Prof Mark Edwards, is based at Southampton so we hope to see our first recruit very soon. We would like to thank everyone in the central trial team, the ANZCA team and the Southampton team that helped us get to this point.
The LOLIPOP trial aims to determine whether the administration of lidocaine by infusion will decrease the incidence of moderate or severe Chronic Post-Surgical Pain (CPSP) in patients undergoing elective primary surgical procedures for breast cancer. The trial has been recruiting in Australasia and Hong Kong for some time and we are excited to see it up and running in the UK.
We are still seeking sites for the UK arm of the trial. If you work at an NHS hospital that may be interested in participating please get in touch with us by email: